Canto das Estrelas

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Publicado por em 24 de Março de 2019 em Diversos, Passatempos


A Família Um Elo Eterno

“A Família é o Elo através do qual nos permite ultrapassar todas as Coisas”


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Publicado por em 17 de Março de 2019 em Genealogia





Não são os sonhos Sons?
E os sons Cores?
E as cores música?
Eu Amo a música das Cores.
E a Magia das Palavras.



Agarro as letras,
soltas no ar
e faço-as minhas.
Formo Palavras,
bordo-lhes sons
e, visto-as de cor,
deixo-as livres em mim!
Qualquer vestígio com que as visto,
estão apenas naquele cantinho da alma,
onde as letras germinam.
E, as palavras brotam
de meus lábios,
das pontas dos meus dedos.
Basta abrir a gaveta da alma
e, crescem em coreografias,
como se asas tivessem e Voam!


1 Comentário

Publicado por em 9 de Outubro de 2010 em Cantinho das Letras


Últimas descobertas com a análise do meu teste de ADN no yourdnaportal

Tem sido muito interessante pesquisar, analisar sobre os resultados do meu teste de ADN, já descobri muito sobre quem me antecedeu e descobertas que não seria possível através de uma pesquisa genealógica.

No nosso ADN fica gravado os genes de quem nos antecedeu e descobrimos muito sobre que Povos fazem parte de nós, que herdámos de nossos antepassados.

A última análise que fiz foi no yourdnaportal, no Projecto Eurásia, Ancient e Modern, assim como a análise por cromossoma, o resultado muito interessante

os pdfs com os resultados:

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Publicado por em 24 de Setembro de 2023 em Genealogia


Povo Sami – Lapões


Meu Haplogrupo

Recebi o resultado do meu teste de DNA na livingdna, por causa de saber o meu haplogrupo e linhagem materna

O meu haplogrupo é o V, e a origem na Fenoscadia.

Haplogroup V arose over 13,500 years ago. It occurs at high frequencies among the Sami, but also has widespread European distribution.

Your motherline signature belongs to the V group.

Haplogroup V first arose over 13,500 years ago, just before the Ice Age came to an end (Soares et al., 2009). The first carriers of your motherline likely lived in southern Europe. Here, the climate was slightly more habitable than the freezing landscapes across the rest of the continent. As the ice sheets began to retreat, it is argued that people began to migrate out of this refugia (Torroni et al., 2001). Over the next few thousand years, carriers of the V group migrated across all of Europe and contributed to the genetic structure of the growing population (Ottoni et al., 2010).

During the Neolithic (New Stone Age) and the Bronze Age, many population groups migrated across Europe.

Some people appear to have been pushed ever further north by these new populations and did not intermix (Der Sarkissian et al., 2013). This northern migration combined with reproductive isolation are just some of the possibilities for why haplogroup V is so high amongst the Sami of Scandinavia today. Despite being most common amongst the Sami group, your motherline is widely distributed across all of Europe at low frequencies and even reaches North Africa. There are many subgroups of V. Groups V2, V3 and V4 are more common in Western and Central Europe, whilst groups such as V7 and V13 are more common in the eastern regions.

The first carriers of your motherline battled freezing conditions as the Ice Age was slowly coming to an end. The first woman to display the mutation that defines V would have been a part of a hunter-gatherer group. Megafauna, such as mammoths, were on a rapid path to extinction and people instead had to exploit other assets available to them, such as reindeer and marine resources.  Although the Ice Age was in remission, the climate would have still been harsh and competition for scarce resources would have been fierce. Over the next few thousand years, various population groups migrated into Europe. Although they did not intermix with groups ancestral to the Sami, other V carriers did integrate. For example, your motherline has been found amongst the Bronze Age Novosvobodnaya culture of North Caucasus (Nedoluzhko et al., 2014).

For thousands of years, the Sami have inhabited the lands which encompass Norway, Sweden, Finland, and the Russian Kola Peninsula. It is argued that the Sami have occupied these regions since the recolonisation of Europe after the Ice Age. Seen as the last hunter-gatherers of Europe, the Sami were largely isolated and continued to hunt reindeer and moose long after the agricultural revolution. They later domesticated reindeer and many Sami are reindeer herders to this day, but nontraditional occupations are becoming more common (Ross et al., 2006).


Árvore do haplogrupo V

Haplogrupo V:

Povo Sami ou Lapões:

Um artigo na Revista Visão sobre o Povo Sami:

Uma canção popular Sami:

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Publicado por em 28 de Novembro de 2021 em Genealogia, Histórias da Família


Cubos Musicais Capela de Rosslyn

Entre as muitas coisas maravilhosas sobre a Capela Rosslyn, seus mistérios, a mensagem que os antigos queriam transmitir, acho os cubos musicais espetaculares.

O Pilar do Aprendiz, que fica por dentro, é de rara beleza.
a base da coluna é formada por oito dragões e da boca desses dragões emergem trepadeiras que envolvem todo o pilar. Este cenário de pilar revela raízes muito fortes ligadas à mitologia nórdica, onde Yggdrasil, a árvore do conhecimento sustentava os céus, enquanto os dragões por sua vez roíam suas raízes.
Cubos Musicais, afloram em protuberâncias de arcos emanando do Pilar do Aprendiz, mas também aparecendo nas nervuras da abóbada cilíndrica. No total, são 213 blocos de pedra quadrados com uma variedade de padrões. O compositor Stuart Mitchell de Edimburgo, baseado no estudo de seu pai de quase 20 anos tentando decifrar o significado dos blocos musicais, defende a teoria de que, juntos, eles formam uma enorme partitura musical. Isso porque se acredita que os motivos do bloco se assemelham aos Padrões Chladni, ou Padrões Cimáticos, são padrões que se formam quando uma nota sustentada é usada para vibrar uma folha de metal coberta de poeira, deixando marcas produzidas pela nota, frequência utilizada é o que determina a forma do padrão, ou em uma linguagem mais científica, um Padrão Scymatic nada mais é do que a manifestação física de certas ondas sonoras. Stuart Mitchell acredita que essas notas musicais tocadas pelos instrumentos medievais "In Situ" vão reverberar por toda a capela, revelando assim um segredo escondido na capela. O compositor não tem ideia do que estará escondido na capela, mas acredita que St. Clair usou ciência muito avançada para garantir que a música estaria protegida de olhares indiscretos.

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Publicado por em 28 de Novembro de 2021 em História, Histórias da Família


John Drummond

John Drummond, my 11th grandfather, 16th, 18th and soon, depending on the branch, I descending from all they children and in both my paternal grandparents, mentioned in a book that is in the Library in Scotland and is digitalized, page 43.

The connection between the Drummond families in those islands, Madeira e Açores, goes far back into the late 1400’s and also involves the Scotland Drummond family. It is known in the history of the Drummond family from Scotland that John Drummond, son of Sir John Drummond (1419), travelled abroad in the later 1400’s and was never heard back . At the same time frame, Joam “Escorcio” appears in old records from Funchal – Madeira Island for the year of 1470. Being genetics helpful in solving brick walls in genealogy, an YDna test on a direct line from a Drummond found in Madeira and another from Azores would shed some light on this matter, bringing confirmation on the genetic link between those families. If you want to learn a little more about the Drummond in Madeira and Scotland and the letters exchanged between these families, you can found them in two sources at the Internet Archive, as below: – Malcolm, David. A genealogical memoir of the Most Noble and Ancient House of Drummond. Edinburgh, 1808.

Malcom Drummond, William, 1st Viscount of Strathallan. A genealogical memoir of the Most Noble and Ancient House of Drummond. Edinburgh, 1831.

Family Tree Dna has a group on the Drummond’s genetic and the external link is: The Drummond and Drum** DNA Project: Patriarchs for all related spellings

Researching in Scotland? Take a look on this website about People of Medieval Scotland:

The book Antroponímia Primitiva da Madeira by Nunes & Kremer – is a relevant study about the names and surnames found in records from the Madeira island archives (XV and XVI). It is an incredible resource for genealogy, history and culture with several bibliographical references. Google books offer a limited view, but worth viewing.

He left Scots around 1418 to go to France, Spain, and finally Portugal, where he traveled to Madeira making a seat in Santa Cruz. FOUNDED THE CHAPEL OF SAO PEDRO WHICH WAS DESTROYED BY THE SEA IN 1724. He was a knight errant. He fought in France in 1418, along with the delphinus Charles VII and Saint Joan of Arc against the English (remember that he was Scottish …) led by the great Henry V. In 1427 he went to Spain, where he fought the side of d. Joao I of Castile, and then went to Portugal, where he settled in Madeira, where he obtained sesmaria in 1430.? between 1460 and 1470 in Madeira. C.c. White Affonso, sister of the first Vicar of Santa Cruz in Madeira, Covilhán natural. Children: Joà £ o Escocio, Beatriz Escocia, Isabel Anes Escocia, Catarina Anes Escocia. It would have been the first “Joao Escocio” on the island. Lived in Santa Cruz, where he may have died. He would have been born in Stobhall. Dromondos: They come from Joao Escorcio Dromondo, natural of the Reyno de Escorcia, and son of João o Dromond Lord of Estobal, and brother of Anabella woman of James IV., Reys of Escorcia; of which Gram Bertanha will proceed; as all is amply proof of his justification made in the Reyno, on May 18, 1525., as well as pello Arm of arms passed to Diogo Pires Dromondo his great-grandson, by King D. Joao III ., on March 19, 1538, and many others to be passed on to his descendants; of which we have all seen origins, plotted with several cells, of both Reynos. Lives in the Villa de Sancta Cruz, where he hunted with Branca Afonso, Sister of the 1st Vicar of that Collegiate, and naturaes of the town of Covilhaà £ in Portugal. They had a long and noble descendant. There are their weapons in Field of gold, three facsimiles of red, and by difference of green, with a gold D. Meneses Vaz: “Weapons – Of gold, three bands, wavy with red. Timbre, a greyhound of its color, with a gold collar.” . “Joà £ o Drumond was the first of this family, who passed to Madeira. He made his settlement near Ribeira da Boaventura, in Santa Cruz.” According to the text of the “Nobiliario da Ilha da Madeira” by Henrique Henriques Noronha: “Joà £ o de Drummond, his father died and Senhor Joà £ o de Drummond de Stobald, for being a magnanimous man and very desirous to know several nations and to run several kingdoms, leaving the kingdom of Scotland, following a better fortune to which the hope guided, if left for France, and thence to the kingdom of Granada to fight against the enemies of Christo contrary of thanks to the Christans, and then departed for Ilha d’a Madeira, “Escorsios: They come from the same Dromondo; and his descendants will also urizion of this paelido; for being the said Joà £ o Dromondo natural of the Kingdom of Scotland. “and diligently revolving the arms and antiquities of the dicta family, according to the hearing and attainment of his ancestors, and certessima and undoubtedly, will know that the said Lord of Drummond, that in the Island of ‘Madeira died, the son of Senhor Joao Drummond Estobald, Who was the brother of the Most Holy Lady Ara Bela Queen of Scotland, of whom successively by a right line the noble Kings of Scotland succeeded, of whom the fifth man was still in our times queen blessed And that the same brother of the noble Lord Malcolino of Drummond Count of Marren, and who was born together with four brothers of noble pre-eminence of a daughter of the nobilissimo Lord Millo de Sancto Claro, Count of Orcadia , who was the Lord of Drummond, who died his father and Lord John of Drummond of Stobald, for being a magnanimous man and very desirous to know several nations and to run several kingdoms, leaving the kingdom of Scotland, following better fortune to which hope was guiding, if he departed for France, and thence gave the kingdom of Granada to fight against the enemies of Christ contrary to the Christ, and then broke apart To Madeira Island, where, as stated above, leaving many generations died “

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Publicado por em 28 de Novembro de 2021 em Genealogia, Histórias da Família


Bênção da Pena de Águia

Todos os anos Niven Sinclair, pelo Natal, enviava-me algo sobre a Família, um dos natais enviou-me a Bênção da Pena de Águia oferecida a ele por um Chefe Índio, é uma maravilha


Gráficos do MyTrueAncestry

Conforme o n+ivel e o número de “matchings” que vão colocando os gráficos alteram-se, neste momento o que tenho, esta semana colocaram correspondência com mais 2 Clãs Escoceses, Madden e Eustace

Clãs Escoceses e Irlandeses com que tenho correspondência de DNA, no nível onde estou no mytrueancestry

Mapa dos Clãs Escoceses


Ascendência Henry Sinclair


pdfs sobre ascendência Drummond


Novas correspondências no MyTrueAncestry

Houve novas actualizações no Mytrueancestry, tenho mais umas correspondências, um Clan escocês – Clan Wallace, mais umas pessoas nas Casa Reais que acrescentaram e mais umas Casas Reais.

As novas correspondências com que fiquei após a recente actualização na Base de Dados do site: